While I’m currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Education program at Thompson Rivers University, I also work in the After School Sports and Arts Initiative programs for School District No. 73 doing both visual art and movement after-school programs for children grades 3-12. My experiences facilitating the in the after-school programs over the last year have magnified my passion for multiple means of expression through art, and the importance of physical literacy. Over my time doing the after-school programs, I have grown to see physical education as an opportunity for students to develop relational skills, such as sharing and using kind words during play, and also develop children’s skills of conflict resolution through physical education. Physical activity provides an opportunity to build character, use teamwork, and foster a sense of belonging in schools. It is important, not only to individual students but to the overall health of the school community. My role in these programs is to plan and facilitate group sessions with up to 30 students aged 8-18 while providing the necessary supports for each student to thrive as the programs are inclusive to all students, including recognized special needs designations. I have had the opportunity to work directly in a variety of schools for School District No. 73, as well as taking large groups of students off the school property in order to do activities including rock climbing.