Travel Experience
Kootenay Lake Ferry, November 2018.
In my time off, I enjoy travelling around my home province of British Columbia to ski, hike, camp, and explore different areas as a means of fulfilling my passion and excitement for being outdoors.  Travelling to new and unknown places to me has been a big part of my life since I was a little girl, as my parents loved to travel throughout my childhood, I believe my love for travel is strongly influenced by the world curiosity runs through my veins. My grandfather immigrated over to Canada alone from Croatia when he was only 17 years old, so it has been a high priority in my life to be able to connect with my family overseas regardless of the geographic distance between us.
Kluane National Park, May 2018.
Kluane National Park, May 2018.
As I grew older, I began to broaden my travelling experience beginning by exploring neighbouring communities around British Columbia with friends and family, particularly travelling around the Interior and Kootenay Region. In 2018, I extended my travels to Kluane National Park in the Yukon Territory, where I did a 4-day backcountry backpack through the National Park.
Night Market, Barcelona. August 2018.
I continued to broaden my backpacking adventures and experiences, and between 2016-2019, over the course of two trips, I backpacked through 9 European countries. Travelling for one trip solo, and the other trip with my best friend, I have visited: The Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Travelling internationally has taught me a lot about myself, and how important it is to be open-minded and loving to whomever you may come into contact with.
Naden Harbour, Haida Gwaii. June 2019.
Most recently, I moved to Haida Gwaii for 3.5 months to work in a remote fishing lodge, which was an educational, enlightening and a once in a lifetime experience for me. While living on Graham Island, Haida Gwaii, I was able to learn about traditional Haida culture and go on a tour of the Haida village of Kung guided by Haida Watchmen.

Sun Peaks, January 2020.
Travelling has taught me about myself, and I have found many hobbies and passions along the way and I am very passionate about being out in the outdoors and embracing other cultures as a way to grow into a better version of myself. Whether it be camping and hiking in the summer, or skiing and snowshoeing in the winter, I have discovered a passion for capturing many of these moments through drawing, painting, and photography.