EDTL 3100

Teaching & Learning 3100 was one of the most useful classes I have taken to date, particularly since we were enrolled in this course during our first practicum. Our professor, Beverly Ruberg, was such an amazing resource for ideas and inspirations while we were learning how to write lesson plans while she would simultaneously encourage us to think about how our grand ideas would actually translate into a classroom of 20 students. In EDTL 3100 we learned the “little things” that no one tells you about before you go into a classroom, and once we started practicum, we would take about 15 minutes each class to talk about different students’ experiences that we could all learn from. Beverly gave us endless resources, and it has been one of the most valuable classes I have taken to date!

EDMA 3200

Having Math 3200 with Amanda Russet has been absolutely amazing. Math can be intimidating or disheartening to many students (including students in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s), but Amanda had done such an incredible job teaching us skills that we can take forth into classrooms, and feel confident carrying out math activities and lessons. Our course has also been heavily focused on the importance of numeracy skills for students, and the many different ways we can practice and achieve goals within the classroom. Amanda has taught us that we need numeracy skills to solve problems and make sense of numbers, these include mathematical concepts found in shapes and patterns, time, measurements in baking, and playing sport.

EDSO 3200

In the brief time that we had Social Studies 3200 with Steve Powrie, I learned very skills of how we can make social studies interesting, exciting, and something that the students can get passionate about. From learning about inquiry-based learning to being given hands-on experience looking at advertisements, maps, and what societal gender norms, social studies has such an important space in the classroom, and I’m so glad Steve was able to share some of his knowledge and resources with us.